You may have noticed that the Bloomberg Aggregate Bond Index is off to one of…
Time to Re-Risk Your Portfilio
If there is one thing that has been the subject of more speculation than Federal Reserve’s interest rate policy, I’d like to know what it is. Unfortunately, all the talk has been such a distraction that many investors have been on the sidelines waiting for a clear signal telling them how or when they should invest. They’ve missed out on more upside trying to avoid a loss than they would have experienced had they stayed invested. On the other side, the rise in equity markets has made many investors complacent and, as a result, they have taken on more risk than they ordinarily would.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Every group of investments has its own set of risk characteristics, of which interest rates are one. Whatever your risk profile is, it’s never a bad time to look at what you own and consider whether the investments in your portfolio are best suited for you now or whether you need to make a change.